Architectural Acoustics

Construction license approved for a dwelling house in the pyrinees

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We obtain a construction license for a single-family home in a charming little town in the Aragonese pre-Pyrenees, in Huesca (Spain). Our project will be a perfect integration between rural architecture, acoustic design, natural, local and sustainable materials. It’s double height library remains the Beauty and the Beast in the living room, and it will be the dream of the owners. All the books that they have never imagined will help for the acoustic comfort of the indoor space. The glass floors will allow the passage of natural light from the roof to the ground floor. It will be a spectacular space, fully integrated with the local architecture of this pre-Pyrenean region with so much charm. We are looking forward to starting construction this summer!

8 Acoustic panels and their construction details

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When we think of acoustic solutions, images of egg-lined walls and foam panels often come to mind. Fortunately, there are products that allow the interior walls to be covered aesthetically while improving the acoustic quality of the space. Mikodam develops wall panels that adequately absorb sound energy, while creating elegant interior spaces for architectural projects. When high absorption of several frequencies is required, its panels come with perforations of varying diameters, providing the ideal reverberation desired for any room. In addition to absorption, all wall coverings provide effective sound dispersion for different frequencies, according to their different lengths, widths and depths

You can read the complete article here


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SoundScape Studio was  in London  at The ABTT Theater Show, Alexandra Palace, London presenting on 5th June 2019 its acoustic design proposal for the stage of the Adán Martín de Tenerife Auditorium .

ABTT is an exhibition where between 100 and 150 providers related to live performance technology get involved with those responsible for the world of theater, events, festivals, sports, cinema and television. In collaboration with RG Sanles, the joint proposal of acoustic shell adapted to the initial project of Santiago Calatrava was described, where acoustic functionality and integration with architectural design is key to the correct use of the auditorium.

SoundScape Studio in Tenerife

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SoundScape Studio has recently been in Tenerife, at the opening of the new acoustic shell .

Our acoustic design project in collaboration with RG Sanlés intended to integrate the product with the original architectural concept of the auditorium conceived by the architect Santiago Calatrava. The opening has been a success for public opinion, the media, musicians and the audience.

You can see the news here

Welcome to SSS!

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Welcome to SoundScape Studio!

We start our blog on the World Environment Day to tell you that we recently started walking with our sustainable architecture studio specializing in acoustic design. With the idea of ​​cooperating with the environment and design research, we open our doors to new constructive possibilities, sustainable materials and ideas that provide the place with something more than they previously had. We want to make you participate in new construction techniques, creative ideas and spatial contributions that make you vibrate and get excited, that make you listen to the environments, and valueable nature.

We take this opportunity to ask you taking care of OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT , because in 12 years we will have a NO RETURN point, and WE ARE STILL ON TIME, each one of us can help  to raise awareness about water recycling, sustainability and adaptation to the environment.

Close your eyes and LISTEN TO THE SOUNDSCAPES!